Discord Logger Bot

Interactive Discord Bot for logging and moderation
Page last updated on 5/31/2021

For George Mason's CS321 class (Software Engineering), students are split into groups of three to spend the semester making a piece of software. My group decided to create a Discord bot which gives Discord server owners both logging and moderation tools. Using Discord.js, our program listens in for events such as the creation of a new text channel or the posting of a new message, and records these actions in a JSON file. Users can interact with the bot by using a TUI menu or by issuing commands (like using a command line). For my group of three, I took on the responsibility of setting deadlines and setting the agenda for each of our weekly meetings which we had. I additionally took ownership of maintaining the master branch and merging my teammate's work into master. The final part of this project included the creation of a video which demos the functionality of the bot, which I created and edited together. This demo was part of a larger presentation where my teammates and I had to explain the importance of the bot (ie what is its purpose, who is it intended for, etc).

See the code here